Dublin Work: Discover Job Opportunities in Ireland

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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Associate Director - Risk Management Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Department of Justice: Deputy Police Ombudsman of Fiosrú - Oifig an Ombudsman Póilíneachta Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Upperchurch Childcare Centre: Childcare Manager Others Irish Future Tipperary

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Permanent Clerical Officer, School Secretary Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Adult Educator (Part Time), Kilcornan House Others Irish Future Galway

IDEA: Call for Tender - Analysis of Data from 2024 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Employability Galway: Employment Facilitator Others Irish Future Galway

Irish Girl Guides: Guide Shop Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway City Partnership: LAES Team Leader (Part Time) Others Irish Future Galway

Diabetes Ireland: Podiatrists (Full Time & Part Time) – Cork & Dublin Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

In Sync Youth & Family Services: Youth Justice Worker - The Bridge Youth Diversion Project Others Irish Future Kildare

Mid West Simon Community: Team Leader - Ennis Others Irish Future Clare

Candle Community Trust: Co-Ordinator, Therapeutic Services Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

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Good Shepherd Cork: Resettlement Worker (12 months contract) - Redclyffe Family Hub Others Irish Future Cork

Mid West Simon Community: Cook / Kitchen Assistant– Laurel Lodge Others Irish Future Clare

The Cavan Centre: Outdoor Education Instructor Others Irish Future Cavan

Clúid Housing: Invitation to Tender - Kitchen Replacements Galway & Mayo Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

The Cavan Centre: Community Youth Worker Others Irish Future Cavan

Clúid Housing: Invitation to Tender - Kitchen Replacements Co Offaly Others Irish Future Offaly

Cairdeas Community Childcare: Manager Catering Irish Future Westmeath

Senior Engineer - Operations Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Slí Eile: Relief Support Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Solas Project: Operations & People Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Cheeverstown: Clinical Nurse Specialist in Mental Health Intellectual Disability Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Longford School Completion Programme: Project Worker (Full Time) Others Irish Future Longford

Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas: Administrative Assistant Others Irish Future Kildare

Áiseanna Tacaíochta: Support Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Wexford

Don Bosco Care: Deputy Social Care Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Peter McVerry Trust: Housing First Intensive Case Manager - Cavan / Monaghan Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galtee Clinic: Residential Social Care Worker (Activity Therapist) x 2 Others Irish Future Cork

SeeBeyondBorders: Fundraising & Education Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Remote

Respond Housing Association: Tender Request Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

North West Regional Drugs & Alcohol Task Force: Family Support- Hidden Harm Coordinator, Sligo / Leitrim Others Irish Future Sligo

Amal Women Ireland: Court Accompaniment / Community Support Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Multiple Sclerosis Ireland: Regional Community Worker (Part Time) - Midlands Others Irish Future Westmeath

South Dublin County Partnership: Request for Tenders Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

North West Regional Drugs & Alcohol Task Force: Family Support - Hidden Harm Coordinator, Donegal Others Irish Future Donegal

Sophia Housing Association: Night Shift Attendant - Tullamore Others Irish Future Offaly

Ruhama: Regional Caseworkers x 3 Others Irish Future Limerick

In Sync Youth & Family Services: Project Coordinator - Naas Child and Family Project Others Irish Future Kildare

ECO-UNESCO: Project Officer – Young Environmentalist Awards Others Irish Future Ireland(All)

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Sligo Sport and Recreation Partnership: Invitation to Tender - Development of Strategic Plan Others Irish Future Sligo

Longford Women’s Link: See Her Elected - Digital Media & CRM Coordinator Others Irish Future Remote

Irish Red Cross: Corporate Fundraising Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

The SERP Institute: Operations Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

European Institute of Women’s Health: Invitation to Tender Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Crohn’s & Colitis Ireland: Events & Fundraising Coordinator (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Cali – Care and Learn Ireland: Chief Executive Officer Others Irish Future Wicklow

Irish Traveller Movement: Development Worker (Maternity Cover) - Yellow Flag Programme Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Mid West Simon Community: Kitchen Porter - Limerick Others Irish Future Limerick

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