Job Details: Limerick CYPSC / Southill Hub: Invitation to Tender

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Limerick CYPSC / Southill Hub: Invitation to Tender



Limerick CYPSC, with support from Southill Hub, are inviting tenders
from individuals, companies or consortia with expertise in research
and experience working in education, with a particular focus on school
avoidance, to develop a suite of resources in order to assist in
addressing the issue of school avoidance.


Limerick CYPSC is an interagency structure under Tusla Child and
Family Agency. CYPSC consists of senior level representatives of
agencies that have a remit around delivering services to children and
their families. CYPSC follow local authority boundaries and plan and
co-ordinate services for children and young people aged between 0 ?
**Apply on the website** years in their geographic area. Their role is
to enhance interagency co-operation and to realise the five National
Outcomes for children and young people, as set out in

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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Email: (*) 
Phone: (*) 
Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
CV: (*) 
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