Job Details: Rehab Group: Head of Advocacy and Campaigns

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Rehab Group: Head of Advocacy and Campaigns



Rehab Group are an independent voluntary organisation that have been
providing services and support for people with disabilities for more
than **Apply on the website** years. They are a rights-based and
inclusion-focused organisation, campaigning and advocating on behalf
of the people who use their services and their families - empowering
those they support to lead more independent lives and play an active
and meaningful role in their communities.

Rehab Group work closely with State funders and private organisations
to deliver services and fulfil contracts in every county in Ireland
and parts of Scotland and Poland. They are a major employer, with
2,**Apply on the website** dedicated and committed employees,
including a large number who are employed in their social enterprises.
They are an internationally recognised and pioneering charity,
enabling more than **Apply on the website**,**Apply on the website**
people with disabilities to live lives of their choosing.
To learn more about Rehab?s work, please visit their

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Health

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Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
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