Job Details: Sensational Kids: Finance and Administration Manager

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
Sensational Kids: Finance and Administration Manager


Please send your CV and letter of application, outlining why you want
to join our team.
BY EMAIL: **Apply on the website**
Karen Leigh
Sensational Kids
Unit F2 Kildare Business Park
Kildare Town

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 9am Monday **Apply on the website**th
January **Apply on the website**

Sensational Kids is an equal opportunity employer. We believe that
diversity and inclusion equate to success. The work we do is
underpinned by respect, equality, inclusion & diversity.

In line with Ireland?s Equality Legislation, we actively oppose
discrimination on the following 9 grounds:

* Gender
* Civil status: single, married, divorced, etc.
* Family status: if you?re the parent or person responsible for a
child over **Apply on the website**, or if you?re the main carer or
parent of a person with a disability.
* Sexual orientation.
* Religion
* Age
* Disability
* Race
* Traveller community.

We also actively oppose discrimination on the grounds of
socio-economic disadvantage.

* Successful candidates will be reference checked & Garda Vetted.
* Please note that any information which you submit will be used for
recruitment purposes only. Your record will be deleted after the
process is completed.

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

Apply for this Job Offer
Name: (*) 
Email: (*) 
Phone: (*) 
Please Provide a Cover in the English Language.
CV: (*) 
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