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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Ruhama: Policy and Communications Co Ordinator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Meath Women’s Refuge and Support Services: Live Night Refuge Support Worker Others Irish Future Meath

Solis GMC Children’s Services: Social Care Worker & Support Worker - Ballybrit Others Irish Future Galway

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Project Worker - South Dublin City Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Orchard Fostering: Foster Carers Needed Nationwide Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

RSM Ireland: Managing Solicitor - Mercy Law Resource Centre Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Gambling Awareness Trust: Chief Executive Officer Others Irish Future Remote

Meath Women’s Refuge and Support Services: Children’s Support Worker - Refuge Others Irish Future Meath

The Mater Hospital Foundation: Marketing and Communications Executive Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Creative Places Tipperary Town: Open Call for Artists in Arts & Health Residency Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Lifestyle Development Group: Assistant Co-ordinator Others Irish Future Louth

Boardmatch Ireland: LDP Officer (Part Time) - Leadership Development Team Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Pathways Ireland: Social Care Leaders & Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

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Archways / Changing Lives Initiative: Regional Coordinator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Turas Nua: Employment Advisor - Thurles Others Irish Future Tipperary

Archways / Changing Lives Initiative: Facilitators (Full Time & Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

General Labour Dublin Airport Workman CPL Resources Dublin(All)

Archways / Changing Lives Initiative: Psychologist Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Clonea ROC: Duty Manager (Accommodation Centre) Others Irish Future Waterford

Rialto Youth Project: Community Afterschools Education Support Worker - Fatima Homework Club Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

The Caha Centre: Family Support and Community Development Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Archways / Changing Lives Initiative: Administration Officer (Part Time) Others Irish Future Louth

Wellsprings: Manager (Acting) & Social Care Leader – Outreach Others Irish Future Cork

Clare Local Development Company: Development Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Clare

Walkinstown Greenhills Resource Centre: Project Worker / Psychotherapist Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Helpline Staff Others Irish Future Galway

The Red Door Project: Community & Prison Liaison Worker Others Irish Future Louth

Lifestart Services: Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Donegal

Parslickstown House Management: Community Centre General Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Irish Heart Foundation: Policy Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

iScoil: Systems Administrator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board: Payroll & Bookkeeping Instructor – Evening Classes Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Irish Traveller Movement: National Traveller Youth Membership Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Irish Traveller Movement: National Traveller Youth Training Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

The Mendicity Institution: Open Access Coordinator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

TU Dublin Students’ Union: Invitation to Tender for External Audit Services Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Rainbows Ireland: CEO Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Tolka River Project: Finance Administrator (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Frontline Dublin: Childcare Practitioner (Preschool Room Leader) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Turas Nua: Employment Adviser Others Irish Future Cork

Cork Anti Poverty Resource Network: Network Operations Manager Others Irish Future Cork

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A Lust for Life: Programme Administrator - Schools Programmes Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

Frs Recruitment | Qa Specialist Catering FRS Recruitment (Roscrea) Dublin(All)

Red D Recruitment | General Manager Luxury CATERING Day Time Hours Catering Red d recruitment Dublin(All)

Generative Ai Annotators Multilingual Languages CPL Resources Dublin(All)

Marco Beverage Systems Ltd | Junior Industrial Designer Catering Marco beverage systems ltd Dublin(All)

Roscommon Safe Link Domestic Abuse Support Service: Administration Support (Part Time) Others Irish Future Roscommon

Áiseanna Tacaíochta: Members Relations Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Donegal Local Development: Lifelong Learning Team Manager Others Irish Future Donegal

Neighbourhood Network: Marketing & Communications Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

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