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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
IPAS Services: Social Care Reception Officer Others Irish Future Cork

Extern: Family Worker - MST Therapist - Bail Supervision Scheme, Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Resettlement Worker (12 months contract) - Redclyffe Family Hub Others Irish Future Cork

Slí Eile: Relief Support Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Galtee Clinic: Residential Social Care Worker (Activity Therapist) x 2 Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Domestic Violence Outreach Worker Others Irish Future Cork

IRD Duhallow: Social Farming Coordinator Others Irish Future Cork

Sexual Health Centre: Youth Health Promotion Officer (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Social Care Workers (Relief Staff) Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Social Care Worker (Full Time Permanent) - Riverview Others Irish Future Cork

The Crann Centre: Receptionist Others Irish Future Cork

FRENCH Tutor Master's Degree Mallow Languages superprof Cork

Fostering First Ireland: Senior Speech and Language Therapist (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

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Fostering First: Senior Speech and Language Therapist (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

Cork Simon Community: Day Team Leader – Andersons Quay Services Others Irish Future Cork

Fostering First: Senior Speech and Language Therapist Others Irish Future Cork

FRENCH Tutor Bachelor's Degree Mallow Languages superprof Cork

National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities: Senior Advocate – Southern Region Others Irish Future Cork

FRENCH Tutor Leaving Certificate Carrigaline Languages superprof Cork

Peter McVerry Trust: Resettlement Housing Officer - Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Home Instead: Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Cork

Home Instead: Assistant Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Cork

Cork Children and Young People’s Services Committees / Barnardos: Request for Tender Others Irish Future Cork

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Counsellor (Gambling and Gaming Addiction) Others Irish Future Cork

Lets Grow Together! Infant & Childhood Partnerships: Invitation to Tender Others Irish Future Cork

Tabor Group: Invitation to Tender - Evaluation of Tús Maith Pilot Programme Others Irish Future Cork

Consultant Paediatrician, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

Consultant Physician Infectious Diseases Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

The Caha Centre: Family Support & Community Development Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Consultant Microbiologist, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

Consultant Geriatric Medicine, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

General Medicine Consultant, Ireland Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

Consultant Mammography/Breast Radiology Healthcare PhD-Jobs.NET Cork

The Caha Centre: Project Coordinator Others Irish Future Cork

YMCA Ireland: Parents And Kids Together, Youth & Children’s Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Senior Resettlement Worker – Redclyffe Family HUB Others Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork: Senior Resettlement Worker – Redclyffe Family HUB Others Irish Future Cork

FRENCH Tutor Master's Degree Cork Languages superprof Cork

Cork Simon Community: Night Worker – Permanent Contracts Others Irish Future Cork

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Resilience Healthcare: Community Services Coordinator - Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Resilience Healthcare: Community Services Coordinator - Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Yana Domestic Violence Project: Domestic Violence Support Worker (30 hours) Others Irish Future Cork

Yana Domestic Violence Project: Domestic Violence Support Worker (21 hours) Others Irish Future Cork

National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities: Senior Advocate - Southern Region Others Irish Future Cork

The Crann Centre: Fundraising Coordinator Others Irish Future Cork

Cork ARC Cancer Support House: Services Coordinator Others Irish Future Cork

Cork Simon Community: Addiction Counsellor Others Irish Future Cork

Mayfield Community Training Centre: Woodwork Instructor Others Irish Future Cork

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