Dublin Work: Discover Job Opportunities in Ireland

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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Iona Road Parish: Parish Secretary Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

One Family: Advocacy Project Support Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

South West Mayo Development Company: Mayo & Roscommon IPA and Mayo, Galway & Roscommon Roma Lead Others Irish Future Mayo

Mayo North East LEADER Partnership: LEADER Development Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Compass Child & Family Services: Deputy Residential Manager Others Irish Future Mayo

South West Mayo Development Company: Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection & Emergency Reception & Orientation Centre Lead Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Dublin Northwest Partnership: Invitation to join a Panel of Mentors / Trainers / Facilitators Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

ActionAid Ireland: Head of Programmes (Maternity Cover) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Cork Simon Community: Addiction Treatment and Aftercare Project Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Enclude: Finance & HR Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

WALK: Governance, Risk and Compliance Coordinator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Comhar na nOileán CTR: Oifigeach Forbartha (Páirt Aimseartha) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Mulhuddart Community Centre: Financial Administrator (Part Time) Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

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Liffey Area Partnership: Community Food & Nutrition Project Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Bridgeways Family Resource Centre: Family Support / Community Development Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Longford

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Receptionist / Administrator - East Cork Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Liffey Area Partnership: Community Development Projects Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Dublin Simon Community: Support Worker Nights (Fixed Term) - Harcourt Street Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Mid West Simon Community: Clare Regional Manager Others Irish Future Clare

Allpro Services: Night Manager Others Irish Future Meath

Mid West Simon Community: Night Project Worker - Clare Services Others Irish Future Clare

CEART Health Partnership: Psychotherapist or Counsellor or Clinical Counselling Psychologist Others Irish Future Kilkenny

HAIL: Mental Health Tenancy Sustainment Officer (National Housing Strategy for Disabled People) Others Irish Future Donegal

Ballyfermot STAR: Seeking Safety Peer Support Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Sligo Social Services: Operations Manager – Solace Cafe Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Early Years Practitioner – Ashleigh House Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

GOAL: Global Citizenship Workshop Facilitator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

The Liberties Community Project: Finance Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Frontline: Finance and Administration Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

FamiliBase: Child & Family Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Ballyfermot Youth Service: Outdoor / Youth Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Mellow Spring Childcare Development Centre: Childcare Practitioner x 3 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Depaul International: Invitation to Tender Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Extern: Janus Justice Worker (Social Care Services) - Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Better Together: Senior Peer Support Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Men’s Development Network: MEND Manager, Operations Manager & Service Delivery Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Childhood Development Initiative: Parent Carer Facilitator x 2 - Home Visits Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Candle Community Trust: Director Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

PACE: Property & Asset Management Lead Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Allpro Services: Support Manager Others Irish Future Meath

County Wicklow Partnerships Wicklow Child & Family Project: Project Worker (Maternity Cover) Others Irish Future Wicklow

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Active Connections: Multiple Roles - South East Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Clann Mór Residential & Respite: Finance, HR & Administration Manager Others Irish Future Meath

Drogheda Youth Development: UBU Youth Worker Specialising in Music & UBU Youth Worker Others Irish Future Louth

Sophia Housing Association: Project Worker (Donabate) & Relief Project Workers Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Home Instead: Team Lead - Residential Disability Services Others Irish Future Kerry

Cork Simon Community: Clerical Offer (Secondment to the HSE) Others Irish Future Cork

Smyly Trust Services: Social Care Worker (Permanent) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Irish Council of Churches: General Secretary Others Irish Future Antrim

Limerick Youth Service: Youth Workers, Family Support Worker & Youth Justice Worker (Maternity Cover) Others Irish Future Limerick

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