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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Young Social Innovators: Ignite Community Local Leader (Part Time) x 2 Others Irish Future Remote

Liffey Area Partnership: Employment Guidance Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Lourdes Youth & Community Services: Early Years Education Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Liberties & Rialto Home Help Services: Invitation to Tender - Audit Services Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Midlands Simon Community: Services Manager Others Irish Future Westmeath

Helplink Mental Health: Sessional Online Counsellors Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Abode (Doorway to Life): Day Services Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

Youth Train Community Training Centre: Instructor Pool & Relief Staff Catering Irish Future Wexford

English Vocabulary Tutor Fifth Year Castlebar Security superprof Mayo

English Vocabulary Tutor Other Castlebar Security superprof Mayo

Galway Simon Community: Healthcare Assistant - Youth Service and Community & Partnerships Fundraiser Others Irish Future Galway

Swords Area II / St. Finian’s School Completion Programme: Project Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Dara Possibilities: Individualised Support Staff (Intellectual Disability) Others Irish Future Waterford

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Oakfield Trust: Projects & Accounts Administrator (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Meath Community Drug & Alcohol Response: Community & Prison Liaison Worker (Part Time) Others Irish Future Meath

Le Chéile Family Resource Centre: Community Development & Family Support Worker Others Irish Future Cork

English Tutor Leaving Certificate Killarney Security superprof Kerry

Maths Tutor Other Arklow Security superprof Wicklow

Spanish Tutor Junior Cycle Athlone Security superprof Westmeath

Women’s Aid: Corporate and Philanthropy Project Leader Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway Simon Community: Housing Support Officer & Housing Support Assistant Others Irish Future Galway

Irish Tutor Diploma Tullamore Security superprof Offaly

Cavan Volunteer Centre: Digital Communication and Fundraising Officer (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cavan

SAOL Project: DAVINA Training Facilitator (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

English Tutor Sixth Year Limerick Security superprof Limerick

Sophia Housing Association: Maintenance Co-Ordinator - Cork Others Irish Future Cork

SAOL Project: DAVINA Project Domestic Violence Advocate (Part Time) x 2 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Aws Architect Security Reperio human capital (ireland) ltd Dublin(All)

Childhood Matters: Clinical / Counselling / Educational Psychologist Others Irish Future Cork

Childhood Matters: Senior Occupational Therapist Others Irish Future Cork

Macra na Feirme: Training & Development Officer x 2 Others Irish Future Donegal

PAUL Partnership Limerick: Sláintecare Community Food and Nutrition Worker Others Irish Future Limerick

Kildare County Childcare Committee: Early Years Play and Information Officer Others Irish Future Kildare

Ballyroan Community and Youth Centre: Childcare Assistant (Part Time) - Cáirde Before and After School Services Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

CARI (Children At Risk in Ireland): Psychotherapist (Part Time) Others Irish Future Limerick

Childhood Matters: Social Care Leader / Social Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Involve: Facilitator – Traveller Culture & Identity Training & STATUS Toolkit Others Irish Future Westmeath

St Bernard’s Children’s Services: Social Care Manager Others Irish Future Tipperary

Bradóg Youth Service: Detached Youth Worker x 2 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

WALK: Careers and Employment Team Vacancies Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Involve: Travellers’ Voice Magazine Manager Others Irish Future Westmeath

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Personal Carer / Assistant Wanted - Ratoath Others Irish Future Meath

Traveller Visibility Group: Project Administrator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Resilience Healthcare: Community Coordinator - Mayo Others Irish Future Mayo

TFI Local Link Cork: Passenger Assistant / Bus Escort (Part Time) Others Irish Future Cork

Sophia Housing Association: Special Needs Assistant - AIM Worker (Part Time) - Cork St Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Inner City Organisations Network (ICON): Community Development Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Bundoran Community Development: Youth Development Project Co-ordinator - ‘The W-A-Y’ Project Others Irish Future Donegal

Blackpool Glen Farranree Community Training Centre: Catering Instructor Catering Irish Future Cork

Good Shepherd Cork / HSE Social Inclusion: Addiction Outreach Worker Others Irish Future Cork

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