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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Clúid Housing: Invitation to Tender - 30 Kitchen Replacements Clúid North Region Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Youth Work Ireland Midlands: Youth Worker (Part Time) - Tullamore Youth Project Others Irish Future Offaly

Kildare Traveller Action: Peer Education Support Worker - Athy Others Irish Future Kildare

Youth Work Ireland Midlands: Youth Justice Workers x 2 - ACORN & FUSION Youth Diversion Projects Others Irish Future Offaly

Cork City Partnership: Community Link Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Meath Partnership: SICAP Job Coach & Business Mentor (Part Time) Others Irish Future Meath

IPAS Services: Social Care Reception Officer Others Irish Future Cork

Bridgeways Family Resource Centre: Family Support / Community Development Worker Others Irish Future Longford

Community Therapy Ireland: Finance and Operations Lead Others Irish Future Remote

Irish Council for International Students: Acting Executive Director Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

ECO-UNESCO: Sessional Tutor (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Hill Street Family Resource Centre: Finance Lead (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Irish Association for Palliative Care: Chief Executive Officer (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

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North Tipperary Development Company / South Tipperary Development Company: Community Link Worker Others Irish Future Tipperary

Empower: Community Well Being Co-ordinator & Migrant Inclusion Support Worker Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

BEAM Services: Assistant Programme Facilitators / Health Care Assistants (Relief) Others Irish Future Carlow

BEAM Services: Bus Escort (Part Time) Others Irish Future Carlow

Laois Partnership Company: Invitation to Tender - Panel of Tutors / Trainers / Facilitators Others Irish Future Laois

Extern: Family Worker - MST Therapist - Bail Supervision Scheme, Cork Others Irish Future Cork

Archways: Facilitators - Cavan Others Irish Future Cavan

The Anne Sullivan Centre: Personal Assistants (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Kildare County Employment Centre: Temporary Caseworker (Part Time) x 3 Others Irish Future Kildare

Cherry Orchard Equine Centre: Book Keeper / Accounts Assistant (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Mid-West Simon Community: Project Worker – Oak Lodge Others Irish Future Limerick

South Area Youth Service: Youth Service Project Leader (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

NOVAS: Project Worker - DIAL House Limerick Others Irish Future Limerick

Tabor and Community Training Initiative: Local Training Initiative Coordinator Others Irish Future Meath

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Nurse (Outreach) - PACT Hub Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Gaisce – The President’s Award: Development Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Diabetes Ireland: Podiatrists (Full Time & Part Time) – Cork & Dublin Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Upperchurch Childcare Centre: Childcare Manager Others Irish Future Tipperary

Irish Girl Guides: Guide Shop Manager (Part Time) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Associate Director - Risk Management Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Department of Justice: Deputy Police Ombudsman of Fiosrú - Oifig an Ombudsman Póilíneachta Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway City Partnership: LAES Team Leader (Part Time) Others Irish Future Galway

IDEA: Call for Tender - Analysis of Data from 2024 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Employability Galway: Employment Facilitator Others Irish Future Galway

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Adult Educator (Part Time), Kilcornan House Others Irish Future Galway

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Permanent Clerical Officer, School Secretary Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Candle Community Trust: Co-Ordinator, Therapeutic Services Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

In Sync Youth & Family Services: Youth Justice Worker - The Bridge Youth Diversion Project Others Irish Future Kildare

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Mid West Simon Community: Team Leader - Ennis Others Irish Future Clare

Good Shepherd Cork: Resettlement Worker (12 months contract) - Redclyffe Family Hub Others Irish Future Cork

Mid West Simon Community: Cook / Kitchen Assistant– Laurel Lodge Others Irish Future Clare

Clúid Housing: Invitation to Tender - Kitchen Replacements Galway & Mayo Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Solas Project: Operations & People Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Clúid Housing: Invitation to Tender - Kitchen Replacements Co Offaly Others Irish Future Offaly

Slí Eile: Relief Support Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Cairdeas Community Childcare: Manager Catering Irish Future Westmeath

The Cavan Centre: Community Youth Worker Others Irish Future Cavan

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