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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
Pieta: Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist – Ballina Others Irish Future Mayo

Junior Architectural Technologist - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre: Psychotherapist (Part Time) x 2 Others Irish Future Tipperary

Health & Safety Advisor - Construction Contractor - Limerick Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Chrysalis Community Drug Project: Team Leader Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Solis GMC Children’s Services: Support Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Athlone Family Resource Centre: Community Arts Inclusion Support Worker Health Irish Future Westmeath

Safetynet Primary Care: Senior Nurse Manager (CNM 3) & HR Generalist (Part Time) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Tubbercurry Family and Childcare Resource Centre: Child & Adolescent Counsellor (Part Time) Others Irish Future Sligo

TASC: Trainers - Financial Resilience Training Programme Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

National Parents Council: Inclusion Voice and Influence Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Kerry Diocesan Youth Service: Family Support Project Workers x 2 & Court Accompaniment Project Worker Others Irish Future Kerry

Aseptic Process Owner Lead - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

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Bantry & Dunmanway School Completion Programme: Temporary Project Worker Others Irish Future Cork

Biotech Plant Quality Assurance Analyst - Shift - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Senior Project Manager- Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Redeemer Development Management Group: Assistant Co-Ordinator CREATE Local Training Initiative Others Irish Future Louth

Kilcormac Development Association: Project Administrator Health Irish Future Offaly

The Learning Tree Integrated Crèche and Montessori: Lead Educator Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Finance Administrator Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galtan: Tenancy Support and Housing Officer Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

NOVAS: Project Workers x 2 - Clare Family Hub Services Health Irish Future Clare

Dublin Simon Community: Cook - Riversdale House Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

HR Generalist - Civil - Utility Contractor - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Plumber / Gas Fitter - Contractor - Ireland Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

South Dublin County Partnership: Aspire Project Lead Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Drogheda Youth Development: Panel of Tutors Others Irish Future Louth

NOVAS: Health & Wellbeing Worker - McGarry House Health Irish Future Limerick

Electrical Estimator - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

The Learning Tree Integrated Crèche and Montessori: HR Administrator (Part Time) Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

IASIO: ICT & Office Manager (Dublin, Temporary Cover) Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Anam Cara: Chief Executive Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Restorative Justice Services: Tender for Service - Clinical Supervision Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Temporary Cover Instructor – Welding Others Irish Future Galway

South Tipperary Development: Case-Worker Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Fill Finish Validation Lead - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Pieta: Relief Centre Administrator – Wexford & Waterford Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

St. Kevin’s Family Resource Centre: Early Years Educator Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

Talent Acquisition Senior Associate - Biotech - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

The Mercy University Hospital Foundation: CEO Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Health & Safety Advisors - Civil - Utility Contractor - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

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Pieta: Suicide Bereavement Liaison Officer - Limerick / Clare / North Tipperary Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

St Sheelans Community Childcare Service: Creche Manager Others Irish Future Tipperary

Aidlink: Communications and Immersion Development Lead Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Newpark Close Family Resource Centre: Childcare Manager Others Irish Future Kilkenny

Senior Mechanical Estimator - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

The Open Community: Corporate Outreach and Engagement Officer Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Sophia Housing: Project Worker - Cork Street Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Junior Mechanical Estimator - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Live Night Worker - Coolmine Lodge Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

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