Dublin Work: Discover Job Opportunities in Ireland

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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

Job Title Category Company Location(s)
National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities: Advocate – Southern Region (Temporary) Others Irish Future Carlow

KASI (Killarney Immigrant Support Centre): Development Worker Others Irish Future Kerry

Extern: Youth Justice Workers x 2 (Justice Services) - Limerick Others Irish Future Limerick

Mid West Simon Community: Team Leader Migrant Programme Health Irish Future Limerick

Family Tree Crèche: Early Years Practitioner Others Irish Future Limerick

Extern: Project Worker Social Care Services (Children and Family) – Janus Project Others Irish Future Limerick

Rutland Centre: Project Worker Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Meas Mór: Social Care Manager & Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Tipperary

Monaghan Integrated Development: Traveller Community Health Development Worker Health Irish Future Monaghan

St. Kevin’s Family Resource Centre: Early Years Educators (Full Time & Relief) Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

Thurles Community Training Centre: General Manager Health Irish Future Tipperary

Lower Crumlin School Completion Programme: Project Worker / Attendance Mentor (Part Time) x 2 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Cork Simon Community: Night Workers (Permanent) Health Irish Future Cork

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Smile School Completion Programme Limerick: Project Worker Others Irish Future Limerick

QEHS Advisor - Manufacturing Facility - Carlow Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Nano Nagle Place: Fundraising & Development Lead Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

FamiliBase: ECCE Room Leader & Early Years & After-school Practitioner x 2 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Liffey Area Partnership: Community Development Officer Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Fostering First Ireland: Home Based Social Care Worker - Galway, Mayo, or Roscommon Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

One Family: Helpline Worker (Part Time) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Youngballymun: Invitation to Tender - Strategic Plan, Universal Home Visiting Programme Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Project Engineer - New Syringe and AVI Lines Operations - Dublin Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Monaghan Supported Employment: Coordinator – Counties Monaghan & Cavan Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Dublin City North Children & Young People’s Services Committee: Invitation to Tender Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Youngballymun: Invitation to Tender - Evaluation of Early Years Play Therapy Programme Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Southill Hub: Youth Worker Vacancies x 3 Others Irish Future Limerick

Fold Housing: Senior Care Worker, Assistant Cook & Care Assistant, Days Catering Irish Future Dublin(All)

Active Retirement Ireland: Finance Manager (Maternity Cover, Part Time) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

FDYS: Slaney Youth Diversion Worker Others Irish Future Wexford

Salesian Sisters Ireland: Assistant Mission Development Officer (Part Time) Others Irish Future Remote

Liffey Area Partnership: Property Maintenance Officer Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Little Partners Creche: Accounts Assistant (Part Time) Others Irish Future Louth

Analytical Group Leader - Biopharma - Cork Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Association of Occupational Therapists of Ireland: Continuing Professional Development Administrator Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Microbiology Group Lead - Biopharma - Cork Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Personal Assistant / Carer (Part Time) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

QC Team Lead - Testing - Biopharma - Cork Construction jobContax Ireland(All)

Transparency International Ireland: Helpline Coordinator - Speak Up Helpline Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Coolmine Therapeutic Community: Team Leader - Cork County Hubs Health Irish Future Cork

Bradóg Youth Service: Detached Youth Worker X2 Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

WALK: Senior Social Worker (Specified Purpose Contract) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

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Personal Assistant Required - Swords Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Chime: Community Resource Officer x 2 - Dundalk Health Irish Future Louth

CARI Foundation: Request for Tender Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Community Law & Mediation: Administrator (Part Time) x 2 - Tús Scheme Others Irish Future Limerick

Rape Crisis Network Ireland: Communications Manager Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

Treo Port Lairge: Outreach Worker Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

Live-In Carer for Elderly Couple - Kilkenny Health Irish Future Kilkenny

Places of Sanctuary Ireland: Sanctuary in Education Coordinator (Part Time) Health Irish Future Dublin(All)

ARC Cancer Support Centres: Sessional Counsellors & Play Therapists Others Irish Future Dublin(All)

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