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Job Opportunities in Dublin, Ireland, and Beyond

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Market Researcher | DUTCH Or German Languages Morgan McKinley Galway

Youth Work Ireland Galway: LGBTI+ Advocacy & Health Worker Others Irish Future Galway

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Temporary Cleaner Others Irish Future Galway

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Temporary Cleaner Others Irish Future Galway

Youth Work Ireland, Galway: Project Workers x 2 - Preparing for Life Project Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Supervisor - Tús Community Work Placement Initiative (Temporary) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Supervisor - Tús Community Work Placement Initiative (Full Time) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Psychotherapist (Part Time) x 2 Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Supervisor - Tús Community Work Placement Initiative (Temporary) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Group Supervisor (Part Time) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Supervisor - Tús Community Work Placement Initiative (Full Time) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Temporary Cover Instructor, Phase 2 Apprenticeship Metal Fabrication Others Irish Future Galway

Solis GMC Children’s Services: Social Care Worker & Support Worker - Ballybrit Others Irish Future Galway

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Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Helpline Staff Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Healthcare Assistants & Housing Support Officers Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Invitation to Tender Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Healthcare Assistant - Youth Service and Community & Partnerships Fundraiser Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Housing Support Officer & Housing Support Assistant Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Cleaner - Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Others Irish Future Galway

Galway City Partnership: Roma & Migrant Community Liaison Worker Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Service Manager, Health Care Assistant & Housing Support Officer Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Traveller Movement: Coordinator - Southeast Galway Peer Led Primary Health Care Programme Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Caretaker (Permanent), Clarin College Others Irish Future Galway

Solis GMC Children’s Services: Social Care Worker - Galway Others Irish Future Galway

Kare Plus West: Social Care Workers Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Housing Support Officers & Health Care Assistant Health Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Caretaker, Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Director / Centre Manager, Outdoor Education Training Centre Others Irish Future Galway

Western Traveller & Intercultural Development: Childcare Practitioners Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Team Leaders, Housing Support Officer & Housing Care Assistant Health Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Temporary / Cover Instructor – Level 6 (QQI) Communications and Teamworking Others Irish Future Galway

Helplink Mental Health: Executive Director (Maternity Cover) Health Irish Future Galway

IASIO: Linkage Service, Training & Employment Officer - Galway Health Irish Future Galway

Mountbellew Community Childcare Centre: Centre Manager Others Irish Future Galway

Ballinasloe Training Workshop - Canal House: Project Worker / Caretaker Others Irish Future Galway

Solis GMC: Vacancies Others Irish Future Galway

Mental Health Ireland: Development Officer, Galway City & County Health Irish Future Galway

Loughrea Family & Community Resource Centre: Administrator (Part Time) Health Irish Future Galway

Galway Simon Community: Health Care Assistants & Housing Support Officers Health Irish Future Galway

Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Psychotherapist (3 days per week) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway Rape Crisis Centre: Psychotherapist (2 days per week) Others Irish Future Galway

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Galway & Roscommon Education & Training Board: Temporary Cover Instructor – Welding Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Cleaner (Part Time), Coláiste an Chreagáin Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Adult Educator (Beauty Therapy) Others Irish Future Galway

Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board: Adult Educator (Hairdressing) Others Irish Future Galway

Food And Beverage Assistant The G Hotel And Spa Catering The g hotel and spa Galway

Accomodation Assistant Cleaning The g hotel and spa Galway

Clúid Housing: Tender - Replacement Wastewater Treatment Plant - Galway Others Irish Future Galway

Deputy General Manager Catering Pizza Express Galway

Mental Health Ireland: Solace Café Operations Manager Health Irish Future Galway

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